Flotation Process plant represent large capital assets and the operating efficiency is critical to ongoing profitability and survival. The plant have common equipment but the training and skills of personnel determine if the continuous improvement culture and process optimisation results in positive outcomes of higher throughput and lower unit costs.
This Prospen Africa Advanced Mineral Flotation Technique, Optimization & Process Improvement training provides the basics knowledge, tools and techniques needed to drive profitability and operate and optimise efficiency a flotation process plant. It Explore different case studies with different commodities, provide information to assess benchmarking flotation process plant. It offer strategic method that can be employed directly to your specific flotation process plant and start the improvement process.
The Advanced Mineral Flotation Technique, Optimization & Process Improvement training course content is structured to provide a review of the current state of the fundamentals and technology of froth flotation. A significant part of the course will be devoted to examples of most common flotation separations of Base Metals and Precious Metals.
Participant will learn in depth the following crucial subjects in flotation process plant and be able to:
optimally operate, benchmarking plant performance with best practices and set standard based on numerous case studies
identify cost saving involved and increase in revenue in process optimisation and improvement
develop an optimisation process to enhance the flotation process plant recovery and grade
monitor and assess the changes
gain an understanding of the current trends in flotation equipment (chinese influence in african market)
This Advanced Mineral Flotation Technique, Optimization & Process Improvement training course is designed to provide key knowledge of flotation process design, plant sizing, operation and optimization through different case studies around the world of mineral processing to :
Operations Managers
Mill Managers
Head of Processing
Production Manager
Plant Manager
Plant Superintendent
Process Manager
Process Engineer
Metallurgical Engineer
Maintenance Manager/Engineer
Plant Maintenance manager and engineers…
Our diverse instructional approaches ensure effective learning:
– Lectures & Presentations: Engage with expert-driven, stimulating content.
– Course Material: Access well-crafted supporting resources.
– Group Work: Collaborate on discussions and case studies for practical insights.
– Workshops & Role-Play: Participate in immersive, scenario-based activities.
– Practical Application: Focus on applying theoretical knowledge in real situations.
– Post-Training Support: Receive extensive support after training for skill implementation.
Day 1
Session One
Mineralogy / Minerals Classification
Metallurgical operations
Explain the principles of operation and control of flotation circuits.
Apply this knowledge to flotation plant operations
Explain Flotation Flowsheet
Explain and discuss Process mass balance
Explain the Metallurgical accounting in a flotation process plant
Metallurgical key performance indicators :
Milling (Power, Grind, density, cyclone, throughput, )
Flotation (Grade, Recovery, Mass pull)
Tailings disposal
industrial minerals such as potash and phosphates.
PGM and
Base metal in generals
The selected process examples and case study (1) will cover a wide range of physicochemical conditions under which the froth flotation process is employed around the world.
Session Two- Engineering of Flotation 1
Lab testing and Pilot Plant
Milling Curve , Grin Optimisation
Reagent scouting rougher test, Rougher / cleaner rate test
Locked cycle test and Variability test program
– The Engineering of Flotation 2-Plant Design
Flow sheet development and Mass Balancing
Cell selection and Ancillary equipment
Flotation Cells Sizing & Design Information
Session three – Flotation Circuit Operation
In recent years the mineral processing industry has downsized its labor force, installed new technology with larger equipment and incorporated plant wide automation, all in an effort to improve productivity and performance while maintaining operating cost at a minimum. As a consequence of these actions the operator is now required to make more and better informed decisions. To meet the educational needs at the concentrator operation level, the facilitator has developed a Flotation Circuit unit operations Program
A partial list of topics covered in this session include:
Mechanical Flotation Cells,
Column Flotation Cells,
Regrind Mills,
Cyclones and Auxiliary Equipment.
Fine grind milling
Flowsheet with fine grind in circuit (Isamill, VertiMill, Stirred Mill, etc..)
Session Four- Flotation Case Studies: Oxide minerals Flotation and design problem solving
Case study 1 – Flotation Cell Selection Example
Case study 2: Iron Concentrators Plant (Utah, USA)
Case study 3: Copper Concentrator (Ankara, Turkey)
Session One –Flotation Plants World Wide
Milling Circuits
Ultrafine Grinding
New Technologies
Flotation Cells Sizing and Process Design
Flotation cells Sizing
Dart Valve Sizing
Blower Sizing
Motor and Mechanism Sizing
Case study 4 : Gold flotation Concentrator plant: Flotation Plant Design and sizing (Siberia in Russia)
Session Two – Case studies
Sulphide and oxide flotation case studies
Case Study 5: Katanga Copper Mining Concentrator (Kolwezi, DRC)
Copper Sulfides / Oxides separation
Circuit configuration
Reagent and Flotation Chemistry
Case study 6: PGM flotation (South Africa)
Circuit configuration
Reagent and Flotation Chemistry
Optimisation (Fine Grind with IsaMill online )
Session Three: Flotation Plant Optimisation
Flotation Plant Optimisation Process
Round-table “brainstorming
Collation of data surrounding the existing flowsheet.
Review the feed types and overall implications for processing
Critical techno-economic assessment of possible changes to process flowsheets or operating conditions
Process flowsheet definition
Metallurgical accounting
Calculation of process inputs and Component mass-balancing
Simulation modelling
Potential technical viability and Estimated product yields and qualities
Estimated equipment capital costs, operating costs and economic viability
Mineralogical considerations that may impact upon processing
Environmental compliance baseline, potential recycles and consideration of locality.
Session Four : Process Control and Optimisation of flotation circuits
Case Studies: Example of How to Identify and Solve Problems in a Flotation Plant
Case Study 7 : Oxide/Sulphide Copper Mining Concentrator Plant (DRC)
The Oxide/Sulphide Copper mine (Introduction of the operation)
Data Acquisition
Problem Definition
Solution Development and Testing
The Down-the-Bank Survey
Estimated Mineral Assays from Elemental Data
Case study 8: PGM Concentrator Plant flotation optimisation (South Africa)
Solid Balance and Water Balance Calculation by Surveying
Calculation of Mineral Recoveries
Calculation of Recovery-Size Data
Interpretation of Recovery-Size Curves
Addition of Liberation Data to Recovery-Size Data
The Role of Surface and Solution Analyses for Organic and Inorganic Species
Inclusion of Froth Recovery in Surveys
Process Analysis with Down-the-Bank Flotation Data
Use of Summary Graphs with Limits Imposed by Liberation
Chemical Measurements During Plant Surveys
Chemical Measurements During Plant Surveys
Analysis and Interpretation of Survey Chemical Data
Further case studies to discuss …