Dates: 07 – 11 April 2025
Locations: RH Hotel, Pretoria
Platform: Available In-Class
Embark on a journey of organizational efficiency and information governance with our Intermediate Archives and Records Management course. Designed to deepen your understanding of archival principles and practices, this prospen course equips you with the essential skills to manage and preserve valuable records effectively. Explore advanced techniques in classification, retrieval, and preservation, empowering you to navigate the complexities of modern information management with confidence. Join us to elevate your expertise and drive excellence in archives and records management.
After attending Intermediate Archives and Records Management course delegates will be able-
To conduct a records management survey/audit
To develop a records inventory
To develop and roll-out a records management action plan
To develop and implement a records management policy, a registry process flow, and a implement a records retention schedule
To plan and roll-out an electronic document and records management solution
To plan security and counter disaster measures for records
To appraise records
Records management practitioners
Registry clerks
Officer administrators
Security specialists
Legal officers
IT specialists
Monitoring and evaluation specialists
Information and knowledge management specialists
Our diverse instructional approaches ensure effective learning:
– Lectures & Presentations: Engage with expert-driven, stimulating content.
– Course Material: Access well-crafted supporting resources.
– Group Work: Collaborate on discussions and case studies for practical insights.
– Workshops & Role-Play: Participate in immersive, scenario-based activities.
– Practical Application: Focus on applying theoretical knowledge in real situations.
– Post-Training Support: Receive extensive support after training for skill implementation.
The Regulatory Framework for Records Management
The National Archives and Records Services Act (NARS)
The Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA)
The Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (ECTA)
The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI)
The Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA)
Conducting a records management survey/situational analysis/Assessment
Stage 1: Planning
Stage 2: Data collection
Stage 3: Data analysis
Stage 4: Reporting
Stage 5: Action Plan
Developing and implementing a Records Management Strategy/Action Plan
Why develop a records management strategy/action plan?
Criteria for a good records management strategy/Action Plan
Records management strategy/Action Plan Formats
Developing an Records Inventory
Why develop a records inventory?
Steps in developing a records inventory
Records Inventory Formats
Developing and implementing an effective Records Management Policy
Objectives of a Records Management Policy
Elements to be covered by the Records Management Policy
How to implement a Records Management Policy successfully
Developing and implementing an effective Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)/Records Management Process Flow
Why develop SOPs/Records Management Process Flow?
Key Elements of a SOPs/Records Management Process Flow
Implementing SOPs for records management
Disposal of Records
Introduction to Records Disposal
The Records Lifecycle Concept
Disposal Authorities
Developing and implementing an effective Records Retention Schedule
What is a Records Retention Schedule?
Why develop a Records Retention Schedule?
How to develop a Records Retention Schedule?
Developing Records Classification Systems
What is a records classification system
Different categories of record
Types of classification systems
Developing Records Classification Systems cont…
How to conduct a functional analysis
How to compile a file plan
How to structure a file plan
How to classify records in line with the File Plan
How to describe records in line with the File Plan
How to arrange records in line with the File Plan
Introduction to a Records Control Schedule
How to compile a Records Control Schedule
How to structure a Records Control Schedule
Change management strategies for Records Management
How to prepare records management personnel
How to conduct Information sessions
How to structure and conduct training sessions
How to communicate record management messages across the organization
Reviewing Records Classification Systems
How to set-up consultation sessions with business units
How to conduct consultation sessions
How to document inputs from business units
Getting sign-offs from business units
Records Decongestion and Clean-Up
How to deal with inactive records
How to manage semi-active records
Aligning active records to the current classification systems
How to ensure continuity of best practices within business units
Setting the tone for an Electronic Documents and Records Management System
Conducting an environmental scan for e-records
Developing an EDRMS User Requirements
Deciding on a suitable e-records management solution for your organization
The relationship between records management and knowledge management
Knowledge Management Framework and Dimensions
Knowledge Management Processes
Knowledge Management Strategies
Organisational Culture, Knowledge Management and Records Management
Leadership, Knowledge Management and Records Management
Knowledge Management and Records Management Technology
Knowledge Management resources (non-IT based)
Information Security
What is information security
Why information Security
Risks associated with records
Security measures for records
Counter Disaster Planning for Records
What is Disaster preparedness
What is Business Continuity
What is Disaster Recovery
Developing and implementing a practical Counter Disaster Strategy
Types of disasters
Counter disaster measures